Appointment: Online Booking

To make an appointment, please select the treatment you would like to get from the list on the right. You might have to scroll down or click "next" to see all the options.

If you arenā€™t already a patient at the clinic, please select ā€œSkin-Analysisā€ so that we can determine which treatment is the best for your skin (except for botulinumtoxin A or filler appointments, these you can arrange right away). Check-ups, follow-ups and touch-ups (10-15 min appointments) are for returning patients only. Please bring all your skincare products with you (pictures do not suffice).

If you went through the online booking process, your appointment is valid. If you donā€™t show up or cancel less than 24 hours before your appointment, a 150CHF fee will be charged. Insurance will not be accepted.

To cancel your booking or ask questions, please write to [email protected]. Please make an appointment for any medical or skincare-related questions, as these will not be answered via email.

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